How To Keep Your Carpet Safe From Rain Damage?

Can you stop your guests from coming? Can you say ‘no’ to your pets or kids from running over the carpets? Can you stop flooded pipe water or rainwater from damaging your carpets? Well, these are some of the examples which you cannot stop coming but taking preventive measures can definitely help your carpet from being damaged.

The rain damage is one of the biggest reasons besides foot traffic behind carpet damaging. The rainy season brings mud, growth mould depositions, dirt and sogginess when it comes to house and carpet cleanliness. Here are some of the successful preventive measures that can help you to treat your carpet’s well being from rain, mould growth, mud and other harmful things.

Make A Rule – Change Your Shoes At The Front Door

Be it your kids, adults or some guests, make this rule applies to everyone. Make sure they are removing and keeping their outdoor footwear at the front door. If you have indoor slippers for them, you can give those clean slippers or footwear to them to roam in or around the house. But make sure, the indoor slippers are not being worn outside the house.

Read: Flood Restoration and Water Damage Procedures

How can you make it a habit among your house members? Of course, by doing it all by yourself. While welcoming your guests, maintain the same decorum. Create a space at the front side entry and install a spacious shoe rack family members and guests to remove and store their shoes. The installation of shoe rack will also help them remind of the rule before entering your carpeted areas.

Installation Of A Door Mat

The installation of doormats is also very important to keep the soil 100% at bay from the cleanliness of your house. Keep them in the entryway or high traffic area (for example – front door) and let them act as a safeguard.

Even if someone has roamed outside by wearing indoor slippers or outdoor sandals (which increases the probability of sticking dirt on their feet), these mats can easily handle that for you. Do you know these granular soil and grimes can easily get settled into the carpet fibres which causes carpet wear and tear?

Stain Removal When It Is Rain Damaged

When the inevitable action has already been done to your carpet, you really need to act like Flash! Absorb sogginess or moisture with the help of a clean highly absorbent cloth and then use drying machine (if the cloth stops to absorb more water).

Read: How To Keep Your Carpet Clean During Wet Or Rainy Season?

If it is a stain then first blot the stain gently with a dry white cloth (because it helps you to understand the intensity of the stain). After blotting, dab the stained with another clean white cloth soaked in white vinegar. 

(Read Carpet Stain Removal Tips and Advice )


As mud contains water constitution, you don’t need any harmful chemical based solution to remove it from the carpet. Just keep this in mind that doesn’t let it time to get soaked inside the pores of the carpet fibres.

For enhanced solution when the carpet damage through rain is too high, don’t wait too long and hire Sydney Metro carpet cleaning services immediately for perfect results.

TimothyFor a clean and healthy home, you can contact Timothy or Call Sydney metro carpet cleaning on PH 1300660276to get your carpet professionally steam cleaned.  We provide a wide range of carpet cleaning services in the Sydney Metropolitan area Includes Sydney Western Sydney, Sydney Hills area, Sydney cbd, Sutherland shire, Penrith, Sydney Eastern suburbs, Macarthur, Sydney inner west, Sydney Inner City, Sydney western suburbs, North shore, Molesworth and offers 100% clean guarantee on our carpet cleaning services in Sydney and suburbs area.

Note: Every carpet fibers reacts differently and if you don’t know about your carpet and which solutions will be good then please call a professional carpet cleaner at Sydney metro carpet cleaning on PH 1300660276

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