Carpet Water Damage can be Devastating if Not Treated at the Right Time

Suffering a flood can be the most pathetic and stressful condition for a homeowner. This can be devastating if you do not have flood insurance and this is not generally included in homeowner’s policy. In the event of any flood type, the carpet needs to be replaced. This comes at considerable expense if there is no insurance coverage to reimburse the loss.

When flood occurs and you are making effort to save your carpet, there are several useful factors to take into consideration. The first thing is you need to determine just how adverse effect the flood can have in the first place. If the water damage is minimal, there is the possibility that your carpet can be saved. If, however, there is extensive damage then it needs to be changed or replaced. In addition to how much water entered your home, you will also have to be considerate about where from that water came from.

If the flooding is from clean water, such as pipe leakage or broken within your home and the invasion is slight, then the possibilities are that you can keep your carpet. All you need to do is dry out the carpet immediately. This is because the quicker you dry it, the lesser the chance that mold or mildew can be grown. If you can, make sure to take some extra steps by using heaters or fans to speed up the drying process. For better result you can consult any Carpet Cleaning Company for expert advice.


This will need to be done as earlier as possible and you may even find that the carpet will still need to changed or replaced. This may be done especially if it is made of wool and it loses its shape in the drying process. However, you may call in some professionals such as a carpet restoration company to consult and get solution if there is any chance to save your possession. You may indeed, find it rather reasonable just to dispose it off and look for any room size carpet remnants to make replacement at lower cost.

If the water damage is extensive and the dirty water invaded your home or office, it is time to replace your carpet. Dirty water sources from river overflowing or rainwater entering your home. This water carries along with it harmful bacteria and will have to be handled only by professionals to ensure safety and protection. Moreover, your home may be restored with proper restoration techniques and all germs have to be killed for sure.

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