5 Tips on Auto Cleaning & Marine Vehicle Cleaning

No vehicle owner wants to keep his or her vehicle to look dirty. If you see a car having stains and a sour stink, you will most probably develop an idea about the lifestyle of that car’s owner. Possibly, you would think how careless and undisciplined that person is.

So, the most important lesson here is, you should never keep your vehicle dirty – no matter which vehicle you have – car, bike, truck, caravan, boat, yacht, bus, etc.
This blog makes an attempt to underline 5 tips on keeping your automobile and marine vehicle clean

Auto Cleaning:

1. Never wash your car when the wind is blowing. Or, if it is necessary, you should move it under the shade. The dust particles coming with the flow might leave scratches on the body.

2. Use shampoo for fabric covers/seats; suggested leather cleaner plus conditioner for leather covers; detergent for pedals and mats.

3. Employ a vacuum cleaner to gulp the dust particles and other elements from the pores of the seats and unreachable areas of the car. If you are cleaning large vehicles, such as caravan, truck or bus, make sure your automobile vacuum cleaner has a cord of adequate length.

4. Keep a bucket filled with soapy detergent and five to six clean cotton cloth pieces. Make certain that the soapy solution in the bucket is not that regular detergent. There are special detergent solutions and shampoos. You should use only such products while shining up the outer body of your vehicle.

5. Get a good quality wax and sponge. There are two types of solutions – wax and lotions. Lotions are ideal for dashboard and indoor areas, while wax is a perfect thing for outer surface.

Marine Vehicle Cleaning:

1. Ensure that cleaning is done on a regular basis. It will help you keep your boat or yacht looking new. Regular cleaning also limits the development of corrosion factors in your boat.

2. Use proper tools for cleaning. Cleaning and maintenance tools for marine vehicles are different from auto cleaning machines. You could invest in basic tools, but the advanced ones are quite expensive and are available only at professional auto and marine cleaning service providers.

3. Store properly when not in use. Most of the times, water vehicles get damaged even when they are not in use. It is because of inadequate storage.

4. Go for timely engine maintenance. Just like your car needs care, marine vehicles also need engine maintenance. You should use accepted-quality oils and fuels only.

5. Soft bristle brush, towels, dry rags, boat wash phosphate free solutions, fibreglass polish and boat wax are a few things that must be in your kit or tool box.
If you to give your car, truck, bus, boat, or yacht a professional cleaning treatment, you could consider visiting sydneymetrocarpetcleaning.com.au or call them at 1300-660-276.

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